Thursday, May 5, 2011

wheeling road breadth of 3 meters

At 9:00 on April 22, Friends of Nature, volunteers and staff in the Wangfujing Street, a accumulation of a dozen bike rental, riding cheap carbon activities began. We have a pedestrian was held at Purdue launching the temple rite site on the World Earth Day in the tournament with low-carbon life, wisdom, and a memento photo. coincides with massive rain, it is difficult to continue, activities had to be postponed until the next p.m..
4 月 23 日 2 pm, we The team gathered repeatedly in the Wangfujing Street. because of the beginning yesterday, pave the way,since archaic called There's true, activities began more smoothly.
about 2:30, we start from the Oriental Plaza, nigh the North along the street riding. The flat section of road, safety, rights of way, noise, size, street scenery and air quality are prevalent. There lanes and conspicuously marked, cycling road width of 3 meters,beijing massage, and the motor vehicle lanes to green strap buffer district separating the roadside stone, But occasionally occupied. there is no bus stops along the way, no viaduct detour, no helmet, cyclists and other elementary safety equipment. North along the street there are some schools, Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Civil Affairs Bureau is also located on this road on both sides toilets, convenience stores and other human facilities, the rider is more handy to travel .5 minutes, about 33 bike through.
northwardly along the Avenue end of the right to enter the Nanchizi Avenue. Nanchizi Avenue road formation, more safety, noise conditions in general, but the want of bike paths and VI, with the motor vehicle lanes are not isolated, bike riders right of way conservation not in area. There are buses and other great vehicles, street parking, notwithstanding there is no bus station and viaduct bypass, bike paths, alternatively occasionally occupied. Most of the rider riding without helmets and additional safety protection equipment. Nanchizi Avenue however the lessen roads and vehicles, but roads mostly planted with trees, landscape, the air is better, plus there along the way Wong, procurement of history, cattle bridges, Cultural Palace of going people, the United Nations Association of China and additional mansions, toilets, convenience stores and other facilities are more entirely person, so more appropriate for riding.
riding expedition
via a traffic light, forward to the ride apt the North tarn avenue. North pond Avenue rider safety, right of direction, and the rumpus by the way conditions are slightly better than Nanchizi Avenue. likewise planted trees forward the road, fresh wind, screen persisted. But North In increase to the exit of pond street appearance the driveway and no apparent identification, bike paths and motorized conveyances namely not secluded, and the road is parking on both sides from time to time occupied, and there is bus station set, while riding the rider did not dress safety equipment. North pond Avenue and Nanchizi Avenue are long, the road construction is likewise a Beijing specifics. One of the condensate and the Temple, Xuanren Temple, belonged to the age Palace Eight Outer Temples, for the adore of God and of the smoke Fengshen, likewise attracted a number of guests . Overall, less commuters Avenue North pond, trees and verdant, let the rider feel cozy.
pool Avenue North Fourth Street, corner right is. The section of the road formation, there is a riding lane 2 meters pact Pavement draw apparent, and the iron railings by the entrance of separation, there are several remove signage will be riding Road and motor vehicle lanes separated. yet with bus stops along the way,shanghai escort, and there are several bike lanes occupied along parked vehicles, the rider and quite few wear safety equipment, extra commuter vehicle, so the security location in general. Fourth Avenue comparison noise, road silver gate track, shore clouds alleys and byways in the South Lane, etc., for well for the New Culture Movement Museum North Red stands serious, the rider will feel extra interesting. At the same period the road has more lavatories, expedience cache,beijing escort, bike parking facilities, to provide advantage to the rider. within 5 minutes of reconnaissance,shenzhen escort, the rider and the proportion of motor vehicle voyage is almost 1 to 2.
successfully added forces

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