Sunday, June 5, 2011

alternatively in agreement with the laws of change

Climate, carbon emissions, greenhouse achieve, Copenhagen is the maximum fashionable recently, the most prevailing heading, do not talk about, as if he is very outdated look, favor a quite unaware. This to Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, completed in 2009 because photography in the meantime coat , is likewise considering about these issues.
British scientists enhance computer models based on the latest on the Earth's climate to the prediction that global temperatures in 2009 will reach a new lofty. However, along to our personal experience, very cold this winter.
Below: December 27, 2009, the Yellow creek in Shanxi Pianguan ice, you can quit, the temperature was minus 20 degrees.
Perhaps you will mention,then absolutely the head namely likewise a empty., numerical models can only portend long-term trends, for each year can not be unraveled climatic phenomena. but I absence to ask the scientist, how do you dare to do accurate to 2009?
same scientists, the use of drought in Chongqing in 2006 to explain global warming, floods in Chongqing in 2007 also used to explain global warming Is science so simple?
understood in the history of China, the Yellow River in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan,shanghai massage, Hebei and other places, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization. a thousand years ago, there is a lukewarm and humid, and productions rich. But today, cold and windswept on the Loess Plateau, the long dirt.
decades, scientists predict the future trend of global climate models secondhand by manifold, more solar radiation and to consider factors such as greenhouse gases, commonly bypass earthquakes, El Niño, fluctuations in ocean currents, ocean heat content anomalies, etc., and these natural changes among the climate system will guide to global climate change, principally the local changes.
model for this material, I have engaged in The industry did not uncommon, to be credible, I do not dare to believe. It is always attempting to use mathematical knowledge to guess the trend matters. As a man who according to your fitness, diet, genetic factors, work environment, kin environment , amusements law, interests and hobbies to devise a model, assuming he's 1 of these factors remain unchanged, or in accordance with the laws of change, inference you can live the life of 80 years. However, one day you take on the Titanic open a phantasmal trip The results ------ boat sank, and you have variant 80-year-old do?
the history of human culture only 5,000 years, in the long history of the earth there is only 5,000 years of weather records, it is complicated to infer that the law of climate change. If you conclude that the models only tens of thousands of years antecedent on climate change, and then infer the same path for years to come climate change I ~ do not defiance to believe. because human beings at present have a complete understanding of climate change, so that the simulation results can not be considered absolutely authentic, or is not a scientific spirit.
global climate change is primarily controlled by natural and human activities the formation of gas emissions would influence climate change, yet likened with the nature of the changes may be trifling.
hot topic due concern,shanghai escort, so a break course in several recently peruse technological substances. from energy level to , the Earth absorbs solar stamina each year the number is 10 24 joules power, surface heat flow of 10 to 21 year power Joule, tidal stamina power of every of the 19 to 10 joules, the energy released by earthquakes volcanoes of 10 per year 17 - 18 power Joule, human activities release of heat per year for 10 of the 20 th joules. solar energy than the other 3 arrays of importance higher than is the Earth's major climate alteration irreplaceable energy.
2007 年 5 April day's publish of the British So, by not method is that the context does not need protection. the human affect ashore global climate is not mistrust. urban heat island effect, man-made greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase, the tropical rain jungle recording, man-made desertification intensifies, the air and sea The man-made pollution and so on. However, the human can not control the weather, by least even now, droughts and torrents, hurricanes, desertification, disasters, the tsunami disaster, etc., humans can not withstand. to stop global warming, control of sea level ascend, human beings find not a possible method.
human activities on global climate is still below the regulatory capability of nature itself, man can not change the statutes of nature.
problem is that few people know the history of climate. no learning of history people most vulnerable to fraud, and now, performance the climate crisis overshadowed by the tragic battle, slaughter of ethnic voices, masks the grief of starving runaways in Africa, wail a lot.
the present science and technology, to stop global warming impossible. Even in the epoch of the full development of science and technology, if the natural forces of global cooling or warming, humans can not stop,beijing massage, fair as humans can not stop the sun as a natural mutation. its wish of mankind to stop rising sea levels, as away from coastal places of human living. rich friends rushed to purchase a chip of the Tibetan Plateau to it, very secure place.
left under the peak of Mount Everest, was taken in April 2009 as the history
Neptune statue on the human use or to stop the construction of a pagoda, like rising sea levels, global warming is a pricey procedure for tiny, a tiny precedent. and its natural resistance, it is better to accustom to nature. When the earth is no longer appropriate for human habitation, in appending to just walk away, that is always waiting for the next wheel of extinction. stop the deterioration of the global environment, like the other planets,shanghai massage, like the environment changed for the better, in no way human clinics. Of course, I repeat, to decrease the erasure and restore the ecological equilibrium of nature is to continue the only way to human survival is the only human competent to do.
If anyone insists that person creatures can control climate, please stop him from desertification, drought disposal, precise prophecy of geological disasters and mollify hurricanes begin. Also, I am fearful that the eruption of nuclear weapons is no small, ought be comprehensive denuclearization, the United States and France from the start.
Global warming remains a abrasive keg of the burst based on its natural reasons: boreal permafrost warming leads to thawing of methane cached in permafrost in the massive release into the atmosphere; ocean warming ocean water, carbon dioxide and ; to the atmosphere; these activities will increase the airy greenhouse gases, humans can not stop this natural emissions. In addition, melting of mountain glaciers and polar ice caps, ice reflect sunlight so that the effect evaporated, speed up the polar warming. Once the global warming, the fuse was lit, global warming will change according to the law of nature, human beings have no control. I thought, since the energy so nervous energy Causing loss of lives of people all day long, look at how the mining and use of Frozen in the natural gas, combustible sea ice (in fact, was due to solid-state low-temperature gas)'d choose the human reality. In addition, China's rural cadres in consensus with the is a very good mind.
the intention of scientific research is to ascertain the laws of nature, recognizing the laws of nature, according to natural laws. folk are not God, human capacity is not everything, to adapt to natural changes in order to mainly protect human beings themselves. this , recommended the West study from China's Taoist mores.
lost to stop the global warming and rising sea levels to restrain the fantasy that global warming laws of nature, of man-made climate clash of beyond deterioration, defend the environment should be from the elimination of human influence on climate and recognition of the negate effects of the normal law of development of climate started. global warming, the key is normal for the underlying occasions of global warming, human-induced elements are secondary.
being the case why do the European countries eager to toss the climate problem then, fed stays? known from the history of mankind to inspect, for them, but joined need for misgiving.

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