Friday, April 22, 2011

International Building

2010-1-28 17:11:46 【 Network】 【 Chinese Kids Font: Big Middle Small】 【 Print 】 【 Chinese children into the Forum
Network 】 Growth is the source of always things , is a activating green eco ecology . and beasts are important nature of species , like small animals is the nature of each child , so small ladybug with health, warmheartedness stands as the Children a blessing. and the brand image of the unique fascination, rich content scalability , the overall picture of the elementary description, store design stylish , especial, premonitory advance in the industry .
Children warm growing each day, in their own areas , apt amend children's quality of life for the maximum goal apt chase. brand is a production development also has lusty product evolution structure, production line rich. especially in materials development, fabric design , apparel devise Has fashioned the unique neatness. fabrics apt new, wealthy and ever-changing patterns of natural fibers known , the matchless design style to color , creativity , style and aesthetic known in the manufacture , and covers the newborn more extensive product portfolio Line namely an of few brands .
, Always protecting the peel of young children . so that each baby wear snug , parents anxiety .
Company Name: Shanghai New World Co., Ltd.
proud Address: 4727 Gong He Xin Lu , No. 13, International Building, House
Contact : Miss Xu
Tel :
Website :
extra message, amuse visit :

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