Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the stream intention and speed of

In array to observe the sharks, my wife and Melanie (Melanie) lost to the sea, some steak, prepared to bait them back. The smell of blood presently spread in the sea, a few sharks around in whaling. We stand on embark, began to observe the shark's actions. At this time, up to 3 meters in a large blue shark forward the fish's blood, silently slip quondam us,beijing escort, like a monster torpedo. Suddenly, this huge guy hit the deck , frightened his wife hurrahing > We have blood lead shark,1980 does no undermine the fashionable 10-year,toronto asian escort, sharks do not ambition to test the sensitivity of blood, for it has long been women and babies. Our aim is to study the seaman immense odd Sharks can sense highly weak electric field, such as beast cells exposed to the electric field generated while the sea water, but people do not know how they use this matchless capability. So we help whaling warships, the sharks look for the question.
the last centenary 70 years antecedent, scientists did no consider sharks have such unbelievable capabilities. But today, we yet know thatelectric consciousness (electroreception) can assist the shark detect edible. even now the sharks are in turbid waters, surrounded at dingy, or invisible in the game sediment below 5 tin not use the common perception (sight, smell, taste, touch and listening) to trace, are studying the molecular machinery of this feeling aptitude, additional scientists from other appearances of a learn above this: for example, electric sense apparatuses to form during evolution, the progenitors of vertebrates, the sea before leaving the field to sense whether there namely such. Of way, all of which are still at an early stage. In this treatise, I ambition describe the process shark electric sense, yet likewise describes the emotion of how we demonstrate the important role of predation.

mystery holes In the shark's mouth, the delivery of a number of holes. Although scientists in the 17th century to know the structure of holes, but it is what function? in the next two hundred years, this has been a secret. until the 19th century, scientists assistance of a microscope, it opened a sharks and rays (ray) in the head with many holes in dispersed front, looks like a shambles of the stubble grow. He famous that these holes condensed in the shark around the mouth, poke holes on the skin around the will find every hole and a long transparent tube connected to, which is full of crystalline colloidal. Some of the small, svelte tube, and some are several inches long, 2 or 3 millimeters thick. Luolunqini also found These will ultimately be aggregated to the catheter head of the depths of a few large sharks transparent jelly inside. Some human deem that these holes may activity a role in the secretion of mucus, mucus layer of sharks that would come from this. Luo Lunqi Ni rejected this view. He believes that the function of hole not so uncomplicated, it naturally has some role is at present known. In the afterward two hundred years, scientists can bring an end to ..., still not competent to disclose these holes secluded.
19 mid-century, scientists began to study the fish's body lateral line (lateral line) functions. It was inspired by the study, the feature of the shark mouth hole merely began to take fashion. the fish lateral line and the Los Lunqi Ni found in the holes, every chasm is under the skin and connected to a vertical tube.'s hump in the catheter, a special sensory cells mm hair cells (hair compartment) in turn some of the slight brush-like processes (or cilia) into his catheter. In this path, at a time there are slight changes in water stream, will make a massive number of hair stoop, like a cordial breeze wheat fields, setting off a explode of waves of grain. bent cilia trigger nerve impulses, the stream way and speed of ; head. in our cochlea is still retained by the evolved structure of the lateral line.
19 century, using the latest promotions of the microscope, scientists have directly scrutinized the shark mouth of the hole, the results found in the hole under amazing ball cystic structure (ampullae of Lorenzini, immediately cried Loren's ampulla, also called Lauren's or Lauren's ampulla of). with holes connected to each of the catheters, the end is a probe into balloon (ampulla) among a small nerve fibers extending from the balloon, import chained with a lateral line nerve branches. These nerve fibers to approach the base of the skull, from the behind side of the spinal cable enters the brain mm This is the nerves bring sensory information to the brain channel. scientists speculate namely the balloon ought be some sort of sense organs. They also found that in each balloon, there is a small hair cells, and people inner ear and fish lateral line system similar to hair cells, although, whether these hair cells to external stimuli secondhand to feel what was still nameless.

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